Adam Cooman


Linearized active circuits:
transfer functions and stability


Proposition 1: Assume that a linearized circuit made of Y-realistic components is excited at node~kk by a small current source as in Figure 1.1. Then,

(i)(i) The nodal admittance matrix Y ⁣(s){\bf Y}\!\left(s\right) of the linearized circuit (cf. (2.5)) is Y-realistic.

and there exists K>0K>0 such that, for any ss satisfying (s)0\Re(s)\ge 0 and sK|s|\ge K, the following properties hold.

(ii)(ii) Y{\bf Y} is invertible as a meromorphic matrix, therefore each partial frequency response Zk,j ⁣(s)Z_{k,j}\!\left(s\right) of the circuit to the current source at node kk is well-defined by (2.6) and meromorphic.

(iii)(iii) Let \lVert\cdot\rVert be the operator norm for matrices induced by the Euclidean norm on vectors. There exists M>0M>0 such that the matrix Z ⁣(s)=Y1 ⁣(s){\bf Z}\!\left(s\right)={\bf Y}^{-1}\!\left(s\right) verifies,

sC,(s)0andsKZ(s)M.\forall s \in \mathbb{C}, \, \Re(s) \geq 0 \quad\mathrm{and}\quad |s| \geq K \|{\bf Z}(s)\| \leq M .

Proof: (i)(i) Each component ii is Y-realistic and therefore meromorphic on C\mathbb{C}, which causes Yb\mathbf{Y}_{b} to be meromorphic on C\mathbb{C}. Meromorphic functions on a domain form a field of fractions, which makes Y=AYbAt\mathbf{Y}=\mathbf{A}\mathbf{Y}_{b}\mathbf{A}^{t} meromorphic on C\mathbb{C}.

According to Definition 1, the fact that component ii is Y-realistic implies that there exists αi\alpha_{i} such that Yi ⁣(s)+Yi ⁣(s)αiIdY_{i}\!\left(s\right)+Y_{i}^{*}\!\left(s\right) \succeq \alpha_{i}\mathbf{Id} whenever (s)0\Re(s)\ge0 and s|s| is large enough. Let αmin>0\alpha_{{\rm min}}>0 be the infimum of the αi\alpha_{i}. Then αmin>0\alpha_{{\rm min}}>0 and we have that the branch admittance matrix Yb ⁣(s)+Yb ⁣(s)αminId\mathbf{Y}_{b}\!\left(s\right)+\mathbf{Y}_{b}^{*}\!\left(s\right)\succeq\alpha_{\min}\mathbf{Id} for all ss with (s)0\Re(s)\geq0 and sK|s|\geq K, for some KK.

Since the incident matrix A\mathbf{A} has full rank, by the assumed connectivity of the graph of the circuit, the symmetric matrix AAt\mathbf{A}\,\mathbf{A}^{t} is nonsingular so there exist λ>0\lambda>0 such that AAt ⁣ ⁣λId\mathbf{A}\,\mathbf{A}^{t}\!\succeq\!\lambda\,{\bf Id}. Letting α=αminλ\alpha=\alpha_{{\rm min}}\,\lambda, we deduce from (2.5) and the realness of A\mathbf{A} that assertion (i)(i) holds.

(ii)(ii) Assume that for some s0s_0 satisfying (s0)0\Re(s_0)\geq0 and s0K|s_0|\geq K, the matrix Y(s0)\mathbf{Y}(s_0) fails to be invertible. Then, there is a non zero complex vector vv such that Y(s0)v=0{\bf Y}(s_0) v=0, thus also vY(s0)v=0v^{*}{\bf Y}(s_0) v=0. Taking the real part, we get v(Y(s0)+Y(s0))v=0v^{*}({\bf Y}(s_0)+{\bf Y}^{*}(s_0))v=0 which contradicts the first item. The determinant of YY is therefore not the zero function, and assertion (ii)(ii) holds.

(iii)(iii) Combining assertion (i)\left(i\right) with the fact that Y+Y=Y(Z+Z)Y\mathbf{Y}+\mathbf{Y}^{*}=\mathbf{Y}(\mathbf{Z}+\mathbf{Z}^{*})\mathbf{Y}^{*}, we have for (s)0\Re(s)\geq0 and sK|s|\geq K that

Z ⁣(s)+Z ⁣(s)αZ ⁣(s)Z ⁣(s).(2.7)\mathbf{Z}\!\left(s\right)+\mathbf{Z}^{*}\!\left(s\right)\succeq\alpha\mathbf{Z}\!\left(s\right)\mathbf{Z}^{*}\!\left(s\right). \tag{2.7}

Letting u ⁣(s)u\!\left(s\right) be a maximizing vector of Z ⁣(s)\mathbf{Z}^{*}\!\left(s\right) with unit norm, i.e. such that Z(s)u(s)=Z(s)\|Z^*(s) u(s)\|=\|Z(s)\|, we get

2Z ⁣(s)u ⁣(s)(Z ⁣(s)+Z ⁣(s))u ⁣(s)αu ⁣(s)Z ⁣(s)Z ⁣(s)u ⁣(s)=αZ ⁣(s)2,(2.8)\begin{array}{ll} 2\|\mathbf{Z}\!\left(s\right)\| & \geq u^{*}\!\left(s\right)\left(\mathbf{Z}\!\left(s\right)+\mathbf{Z}^{*}\!\left(s\right)\right)u\!\left(s\right)\\ & \geq\alpha u^{*}\!\left(s\right)\mathbf{Z}\!\left(s\right)\mathbf{Z}^{*}\!\left(s\right) u\!\left(s\right)=\alpha\|\mathbf{Z}\!\left(s\right)\|^{2}, \end{array} \tag{2.8}

hence Z ⁣(s)2/α\|\mathbf{Z}\!\left(s\right)\|\leq 2/\alpha.

We have proven that the branch admittance Y{\bf Y} matrix of the circuit is Y-realistic. Working with the branch impedance matrix Z{\bf Z} instead, it can be similarly proven that Z{\bf Z} is Z-realistic. In fact, a linearized circuit made of active and passive realistic components is realistic in the sense of Definition 1. The dual of Proposition 1 can be proven, changing ZZ in YY and Y-realistic into Z-realistic.

Let G(s)G\left(s\right) be a partial frequency response of a realistic linearized circuit. Then G(s)G\left(s\right) is meromorphic on C\mathbb{C} and, for s>K|s|>K and (s)0\Re(s)\ge0, G(s)G\left(s\right) is bounded.

Proof: The meromorphic property of GG is a consequence of (ii)(ii) and its boundedness a consequence of (iii)(iii).

Recall that H\mathcal{H}^{\infty} is the space of bounded analytic functions in the right half-plane Π+\Pi^+. Recall also that a rational function is said to be strictly proper if it vanishes at infinity, i.e. if either the degree of the numerator is strictly less than the degree of the denominator or else it is the zero function.

Let G(s)G\left(s\right) be a partial frequency response of a realistic linearized circuit. Then, G(s)G\left(s\right) has only finitely many unstable poles. Specifically, there is a function hHh\in \mathcal{H}^{\infty} and a strictly proper rational function r\mathfrak{r} having poles in the closed right half-plane only, such that G ⁣(jω)=h ⁣(jω)+r ⁣(jω)G\!\left(j\omega\right)=h\!\left(j\omega\right)+\mathfrak{r}\!\left(j\omega\right).

Proof: Let D(0,K)\overline{D(0,K)} denote the closed disk centered at 00 of radius KK. By the previous lemma, the unstable poles of G(s)G\left(s\right) (if any) lie in the compact set Π+D(0,K)\overline{\Pi}^+\cap\overline{D(0,K)}. Since G(s)G\left(s\right) is a meromorphic function on C\mathbb{C}, it can only have finitely many poles on a compact set. Hence G(s)G\left(s\right) has at most finitely many unstable poles, as announced.

Number these unstable poles as s1s_{1}sNs_{N}, with respective multiplicities ν1\nu_{1},…νN\nu_{N}. Let rj=pνj1(s)/(ssj)νj\mathfrak{r}_{j}=p_{\nu_{j}-1}(s)/(s-s_{j})^{\nu_{j}} be the principal part of G(s)G\left(s\right) at sjs_{j}, where pνj1(s)p_{\nu_{j}-1}(s) is a polynomial of degree νj1\nu_{j}-1. It is a strictly proper rational function. Set r=j=1Nrj\mathfrak{r}=\sum_{j=1}^{N}\mathfrak{r}_{j}; if N=0N=0 the sum is empty and we have that r=0\mathfrak{r}=0. By construction, GrG-\mathfrak{r} is a meromorphic function with no poles in the closed right half-plane. Moreover it is bounded there for large s|s|, because so is G(s)G\left(s\right) by Lemma Lemma 1 and so is the strictly proper rational function r\mathfrak{r}. Hence GrHG-\mathfrak{r}\in \mathcal{H}^{\infty}, as was to be shown.

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