Adam Cooman


Steady-state Simulation
under multisine excitation


Example 1.1: Determining the order \aleph of a circuit

As a simple example, we consider a non-linear resistor driven by a voltage source with an output impedance of 1Ω1\Omega.

circuit used to demonstrate nonlinear order selection

Figure 1.1Circuit used to demonstrate nonlinear order selection

The non-linear resistor has a polynomial voltage-current relationship of third order. The finite output impedance of the voltage source introduces feedback around the non-linear resistor, which will cause an infinite amount of harmonics originating from the circuit. We perform two simulations with an excessive non-linear order of 2020 to show how \aleph is to be selected. The amplitude of the input generator is set first to 0.1V0.1\mathrm{V} and then to 1V1\mathrm{V}. The magnitude of the current below is plotted below:

choosing nonlinear order

Figure 1.2

In the first case (Vin=0.1VV_{\mathrm{in}}=0.1\mathrm{V}) the magnitude of the harmonics of the current lies below the numeric noise floor of 350dB-350\mathrm{dB} starting from the harmonic number 88, so setting =8\aleph=8 in this case seems the good option. When the input amplitude is raised to 1V1\mathrm{V}, many more harmonics appear and \aleph should be set to 1212.

Note that, in this purely static circuit, the harmonics alone can be used to determine the non-linear order. In a dynamic circuit, harmonics can be filtered, so also the intermodulation should be taken into account to obtain a proper choice for \aleph.

In this simple circuit, checking only one signal is sufficient. In a larger circuit, the amount of harmonics present in each signal differs, so many signals should be checked and the worst-case \aleph should be used.

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