Adam Cooman


Testing the Large-Signal Small-Signal
simulator in ADS


2. Testing methodology

The linear system around a periodic solution is a Linear Time-Periodic (LTP) system. The behaviour of such a LTP system can be described perfectly by a infinite series of Frequency Response Functions (FRF) called Harmonic Transfer Function (HTF) [1]. The HTF which describes the frequency response from the excitation frequency ω\omega to a translated frequency ω+lωex\omega+l\omega_{\mathrm{ex}} will be denoted as GUY[l](jω)G_{U\rightarrow Y}^{\left[l\right]}(j\omega). ωex\omega_{\mathrm{ex}} is used to indicate the pulsation of the LTP system.

To test the LSSS simulator, a periodically time-varying differential equation is implemented in ADS. The HTFs of such differential equations can also be calculated in Matlab using techniques described in [1]. By comparing the Matlab results to the results from ADS, we can get an indication of the error made in the simulator. The following periodically time-varying first order differential equation will be used:

dy(t)dt+a(t)y(t)=u(t)(2.1)\frac{dy(t)}{dt}+a(t) y(t)=u(t)\tag{2.1}

The time-variation a(t)a(t) will be a random-phase multisine with a base pulsation of ωex=2πfres=0.5Hz\omega_{\mathrm{ex}}=2\pi f_{\mathrm{res}}=0.5\mathrm{Hz}. The multisine excites all tones up to fmax=5Hzf_\mathrm{max}=5\mathrm{Hz}. The amplitude of each tone in the multisine is set to 11 and random phases are used. A DC offset of 11 was added to the multisine as well. The resulting a(t)a(t) signal is shown in Figure 2.1.


Figure 2.1 Values of the aa parameter in the differential equation (2.1) as a function of time.

The implementation of this differential equation is done in ADS with a Symbolically Defined Device (SDD) block. The simulation set-up is shown in Figure 2.2. The SDD block in the schematic is configured such that the voltage at port 1 acts as the input signal u(t)u(t) and the resulting current flowing into port 1 is the output signal y(t)y(t). The control of the factor a(t)a(t) is done through the second port of the SDD block. It is important to force a non-zero initial condition in that port, as setting the node to zero leads to errors in the simulation.

The whole circuit is simulated with a HB simulation with a base frequency of 0.5Hz0.5\mathrm{Hz} which is given an order of 100100. The LSSS was run on a logarithmic frequency grid going from 0.1Hz0.1\mathrm{Hz} to 100Hz100\mathrm{Hz} with 100100 steps per decade. With these settings, ADS returns 201201 HTFs sampled at 301301 frequency points.


Figure 2.2 Simulation set-up in ADS to implement the time-varying differential equation (2.1)

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